Yujiro Taniyama, Japan Broadcasting.net 【JB】war machine correspondent
Hello Kitty first appeared in 1974.
The Taliban, meaning ‘religious students’ meanwhile was allegedly formed in the early 1990’s.
As reports of culminating ‘disaster’ in Afghanistan dominates the headlines of especially the Western corporate medias (for the insular minded nonchalant Nipponese, Kabul is just another mythical hamlet in a Manga), I find it rather alarming that the West unequivocally, collectively and in conformity labels the Taliban as intolerable Islam extremists. If the ‘students’ actually forbid girls and women from going out of their homes 24/7, that is indeed a criminal offense. But already after two decades since they were ousted from power by the American Republic, to focus on that part alone is counterproductive.
A Canadian writer Deborah Ellis portrays the ‘students’ as follows.
“After the Soviets left in 1989, a civil war erupted, as various groups fought for control of the country. The heads of some of these groups were known as war lords, and they were particularly brutal.
Into this mess came the Taliban. These were originally boys whose parents had been killed in the war with the Soviets. They were taken out of Afghanistan and trained in special military schools in Pakistan (funded by the Pakistan and American secret police) to form an army that would eventually take over the country. In September 1996, the Taliban army took over the capital city of Kabul”. (「Mud City」- Author’s note, 2003)
If her argument is factually correct, it means that the world-famous and notorious ‘students’ were in the beginning a group of unfortunate orphans – built and paid by the unintelligent CIA!!! (※ that couldn’t foresee the ongoing ‘Taliban takeover in 7 days’. What an ‘intelligence’, what a fiasco). And let’s say that it was the U.S taxpayer’s hard earned money that had actually sponsored the birth and the rise of the ‘ruthless terrorists’. That means that this whole scenario; the 2001 U.S retribution bombing and twenty years of Afghan occupation I must say was nothing but an unenthusiastic Manga charade if not a man-made-folly, written and directed by the Pentagon that cost Americans some mind-blowing $2 trillion. Not two bucks, but two trillion dollars.
Hello Kitty never talks.
Because the mischievous Japanese imps in 1974 disabled the cat to do so, by oddly eliminating her mouth. So as confabulation is banned for the world’s most famous cat, perambulation of Afghan women through a vegetable market without a male escort is also outlawed. Well it was twenty years ago, to say the least. Hello Kitty and the girls of Kandahar therefore do have one thing in common; that strikingly, they both have no voice. No voice in the society. And lastly notwithstanding, if the new authority in Kabul shall and will guarantee its women the freedom of education (as ostensibly announced by the organization’s spokesman) and the the ‘freedom to walk in the streets without the guidance of penis-holders’, then I believe that it is a significant improvement for the ‘medieval’ Taliban.
Let us, the lambs of the free world hope and pray for the emancipation of the Hello Kitty of Afghanistan.