Samurai Yujiro Taniyama, unimpartial but scientific Tokyo correspondent for Japan Broadcasting . net Corporation
The dinner is ready.
But before filling up the pig appetite, let me please convey to the readers that I am profusely sorry for my false soccer World Cup prediction (nothing but a wishful thinking) in the last column. Tokyo, unfathomably unlucky (goal post was Sweden’s 12th player on the pitch) had gloriously succumbed to Stockholm 1-2. Nadeshico Japan I must admit just didn’t have that critical force of aggression to lick gargantuan macho women’s IKEA Republic.
However ironically, after IKEA sent MUJI home, the former were unexpectedly destroyed by Barcelona F.C Women – a team that had been vanquished by Nippon girls 4-0 in group stage. The Spaniards consequently won the tournament but that accomplishment ended up in a fiendish, shameless fiasco when a bald pervert French-kissed No.11 player of Barcelona F.C Women.
The whoremongering Spanish bellend!
Waste Water & Science
Forget football, let us commence with the main topic.
As some pensive readers may know, Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant’s ‘waste water release’ began on August 24th Tokyo time. IAEA has unequivocally argued that from a purely scientific point of view, the Fukushima water (‘Fuk water’ ) is perfectly safe. It’s no surprise, as Fuk water has been diluted over and over and that’s exactly why IAEA’s given Sushi Republic (or kingdom whatever) a green light.
A prominent French newspaper Figaro stated on August 23rd article:
“Peking Duck Republic is opposing against Fuk water’s release but its effects to health and environment is trivial”. Moreover, Figaro also pointed out; “22 trillion becquerels of tritium (a radioactive element of hydrogen) within the Fuk water’ll be released annually – an amount that’s roughly half of South Korea’s Koli nuclear plant’s (in Pusan) annual tritium waste release, and one sixth that of Qinshan nuke plant in Peking Duck Republic”.
The science substantiated article (also pointing out that ‘the act of comparing is nothing but stupidity’ – mentioning France’s La Hague nuclear facility in Normandy ditches over 10 quadrillion becquerels of tritium every year! Wow ) concluded that the focal point of Fukushima waste water release issue is not a health issue, but the overall image of food products made in Nippon.
Virtually all the civilized European countries have now lifted sanctions on Sushi Republic made food products (Switzerland and Liechtenstein OK’d on August 15 recently, after some inexplicable 12 years) – whereas the glorious nation of Peking Duck alone has somehow mysteriously taken the opposite path, beautifully banning all fish and marine produce from the land of Rising Sushi.
So which side is scientific?! The mightily hairy Europeans or the unworldly brash Duckies?!
The G-string Samurai (author) transcends politics apparently, but as the Kangaroo Republic DownUnder has enjoyed Peking Duck Republic’s economic-flogging-and-bullying in the recent years to meet the latter’s political ends, any indiscretion by Sushi Republic’s persecuting-loving next door neighbor falls short of a surprise.
Ironically, in my crippled view, the more they retaliate the more they distance themselves from civilization.
Let us all purchase a bottle of wine from Barossa valley and Sushi Republic sushi!
Bow m(_ _)m
※ Journalist Mina Mitsui’s report (Sankei) that introduced Figaro’s article contributed immensely to this editorial. Domo Arigato Mini.