作成者: JapanBroadcasting 2022-07-22 「THE MORNING GOOLIES」 A trade-in was fat old ugly, but a new one was a cordless beauty. Reusable bin, feather-light feminine, paper filter no longer necessity. She cleans the floor like a Phoenician whore, never misses a pube insanitary cube. Juju broom for repugnant room, divorce the rusty! Felicitous groom! JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk Read or Die
作成者: JapanBroadcasting 2022-07-132022-07-13 Goolies cleanses, the power that corrupts. Equanimity, poetic weaponry, Colombo ousts Rajapaksa butts. Word unworldly generates harmony, so think not panic before goin’ phallic. Resplendent! 『THE MORNING GOOLIES』 B Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk D Read or Die