JR East pass.jpg

Sake Ponshukan 2 - Japan Broadcasting.net.png

Japan Rail Pass - jB Japan Broadcasting.net.png
JR East pass.jpg


Sake is made from rice.
And the best rice is produced in Niigata, along the eastern coastline.

Ask any Japanese "Is the best rice in your country Niigata-Koshihikari !? " and he or she shall nod immediately. If they don't, you can presume they're from Mongolia.

That is exactly why, if you want to maximize your experience in Japan,
never refrain from "going for the best".

Use the"JR EAST PASS" to the fullest, and hop off to Niigata.

And visit the PONSHOOKAN on the 3rd floor of Niigata station.
You can try 5 different Sake with just 1 coin - ¥500!

It's worth it. You won't regret it.

Sake - Ponshukan 3 Japan Broadcasting.net.png
Sake - Ponshukan - Japan Broadcasting.net JB.png


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