JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
「THE MORNING GOOLIES」 Two sausages a day keeps doctors away. Few mortgages a day keeps hanging tree in play. Delicious wiener, double canals Gary Cooper!
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
「THE MORNING GOOLIES」 5 Bachelors on British Airways, mesmerizing all passengers flying to Paradise. They impregnate men women and children, in a blink of an eye even Mrs. Biden. Bachelors Five on British Airways, subdues and molests the indiscriminate pests. Disguised as nun looking for some fun, better watch out they’re coming to town. BA5.
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
I’m a scourge. Scourge I am. Whip you to death, life without death is mess. Spank the monk! Praise the punk! Sham intellectuals sedentary junk 『Samurai Scourge Di Giappone』
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk