JB Editorial Team The Morning Goolies 「Daily Milk
Surpassing a kiddy going to school, “Ohio” beamed the stranger clear firmament drool. Boy cracked a smile of an untarnished infantile, “iktsoo?” asked the scavenger 7 was the answer. Quick chat soon over, chatty silly waved sayonara. じゃぁまたね “Jar-mata nay!” whooped the stripling second grader, what a rhapsody ’n what a way to start a day!
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
Frolicking teenybopper on a swing, chirpy birds Humming Farm fling. Very small and very wonderful, trees are tall sunshine rural. Hum! Hum! Hum! Humorous chum! Close the lips, bop and sing!
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
Sound of raindrops hitting the leaves, morning pigeons’ cacophony autumn breeze.
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
The civilized man has built a smartphone, but has sacrificed his smartness. 「Yujiro Di Giappone」
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
Cicada Cinderella turned upside down, grilled on asphalt purgatory clown. Car passes by, I fear for the worst lullaby, Cinderella survives the brevity of life. Another coach intrudes, the concrete jungles’ brutes, this could be it constrained both fingers crossed. She prevails once again, the rushing Prince scoops her up insane, emancipating the precious in four-clover terrain. 「Giappone Samurai Yujiro」
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk
「THE MORNING GOOLIES」 Out of a clear sky cherubic sound god knows why. Tone unfamiliar yet spectacular, the bitter gourd snapped rose too high.
JB Editorial Team THE MORNING GOOLIES 「Daily Milk